Hello, #YelloFello! Now that the gift-giving, excess-filled Christmas days are over, it’s finally the start of a new year that brings back the famous saying—“New Year, New Skin!”. Phew! Well at least, that’s what most skincare enthusiasts are all about. 

January is the perfect time to make some skincare resolutions throughout the year and for us personally, along with the website launch, we’re welcoming our 2020 with something to purify the skin first. There are many ways to do that: You can opt for a scrub or a mask but hey, why choose one when you can have both? ;)

That’s where our beautiful blend of carefully-picked Ayurvedic goodness come in—Yello Oatmeal Turmeric Mask Scrub (OTMS). If you aren’t already incorporating this absolute scrub mask in your regimen, you’re truly missing out. A lot of #YelloFello swear by it but some are probably still in doubt with the benefits it can deliver so allow us to share a few simple yet informative details to help you decipher the anatomy of Yello OTMS

Our exclusive recipe of Yello OTMS contains five lush ingredients that are specially formulated to heal acne and reduce the appearance of dark spots. If you’re a minimalist when it comes to skincare, this product is definitely worth trying. Read ahead to see how it might help your skin!

Turmeric: To fight acne and reduce the appearance of dark marks/blemishes.

Oatmeal: To cleanse and soak up excess oils, impurities and unclog pores. 

Coconut: To refine and smoothen skin texture. 

Epsom salt: To remove dead skin cells. 

Rice: To reduce the appearance of dark spots and uneven skin tone. 

So, what’s next? Anything to consider before you proceed with turmeric mask on your skin? 

“I did my own DIY turmeric mask, but my skin felt a burning sensation. WHY?”

Yes, on its own, turmeric can be a little bit irritating to the skin due to the types of species used and its dosage. However, the real question is: How much turmeric is considered too much? To avoid any side effects from unreliable DIY recipes, you should opt for a well-formulated turmeric-based product like our all-time favorite, Yello OTMS. It’s generally safe for all skin types and it’s non-irritating as well so don’t miss out and get your hands on this scrub mask as soon as possible! ☺